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03 9894 2056


68D South Parade
Blackburn, 3130

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Professional Services

Helen Halkias Podiatrist is a Private Podiatry clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of foot and ankle complaints.

Your Consultant Podiatrist is highly experienced in providing a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan for a wide range of foot and lower limb issues.  

Helen draws on her extensive clinical experience of over 27 years and uses some of the latest treatments and advancements in foot and ankle techniques to help patients of all ages achieve optimum outcomes. She prides herself on offering all patients a premium experience from start to finish. 

She provides a strong focus on administering preventative health measures and education, aimed at helping patients achieve and maintain long-term foot health.

Helen has an interest in natural foot health and offers a range of barefoot and minimalist footwear as well as a wide range of devices and information aimed at restoration. 


Podiatry Clinical Expertise and Services Offered include;

Biomechanics and Sports Injuries

  • Video Gait Analysis
  • Footwear assessment and education
  • Orthotic therapy
  • A range of Barefoot, Sports recovery footwear, socks, and products 

Orthotic therapy

Individualized prescription and manufacture of bespoke devices made using the latest 3D scanning technology and 3D printing.

Time is taken to assess multiple factors including, patients' lifestyles and footwear preferences in order to achieve the most suitable, effective, and versatile device. 

Foot Pain

Foot pain can take many forms. Using many years of clinical experience, Helen can accurately diagnose and treat many conditions including; Heel spurs, Plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, Metatarsalgia, Neuromas, Plantar Plate injuries, stress fractures, arch pain, forefoot pain, shin and knee pain. 

Treatment modalities used include orthotic therapy, to address any underlying biomechanical abnormalities and footwear modification. Physical therapies include dry needling, mobilization, stretching, and strengthening exercises.

Diabetic Foot Assessment and care

Type 2 Diabetes is preventable and treatable. Accurate Podiatry foot health screenings and assessments are vital; they can save limbs and lives.

Helen offers:

  • A comprehensive assessment of the vascular and neurological status of each patient.
  • Wound care and ulcer management using the latest wound care dressings and techniques.
  • Education regarding daily diabetic foot care and complications prevention.

Helen often works in consultation with several of Melbourne's leading Vascular Surgeons to achieve optimum patient outcomes and prevention.

Foot and Digital deformities

These deformities include; bunions, claw, and hammertoes.

Accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause of the deformity, as well as the individual's lifestyle, age, and activity, all play important roles in the overall treatment plan of such conditions.

Rest assured Helen will take the time to assess and diagnose your individual case and offer a tailored realistic treatment plan.

The focus of the treatment is on addressing the underlying cause, educating the patient on causative factors, and assisting them in eliminating or controlling these factors in the future. 

Nail and Skin Pathology

  • Ingrown toenails
  • Nail surgery or wedge resection
  • Fungal nail infection
  • Corn and callouses removal
  • Warts treatment
  • A range of high-quality products are available to assist with any ongoing prevention and care
  • Treatment and prevention of ingrown toenails. 
  • Accurate assessment and treatment for fungal nail infection and differential diagnosis of other nail conditions.
  • Corn and callouses removal and targeted treatment to address the underlying cause of the lesion.
  • Warts treatment tailored to individuals age, lifestyle, and relevant medical history.

Pediatrics (Children's feet)

With years of clinical experience as a practitioner, as well as personal experience as a mother, Helen Halkias knows the importance of accurate diagnosis and treatment of foot pathology early in life.

Undiagnosed conditions in childhood can lead to painful, costly, and limiting conditions later in life.

Common treatable Paediatric conditions include, flat feet, Severe's Disease, knock knees, and in-toeing and toe walking. 

So-called "growing pains" should be investigated by a health professional.

Treatment modalities include; footwear assessment and education, a range of orthotic therapy, stretching, and strengthening therapy.